169 research outputs found

    Tourism in a small town: the Peabiru Way in the state of Paraná

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    This is a case study on actions to generate jobs and income through historical, adventure, cultural and ecological tourism. Its purpose is to analyze the use of the repressed tourist potential of the ancient Caminhos de Peabiru, or Peabiru Way, a walking trail in the municipality of Peabiru, through the Projeto Caminhos de Peabiru: História, Cultura e Turismo (Peabiru Way Project: History, Culture and Tourism), which was started in 2016. The name of the town of Peabiru, in northwestern Paraná, is steeped in history, as it refers to the legendary Peabiru Way. Historical studies were carried out that led to the creation of the Peabiru Way Project. Hiking trails with varying levels of difficulty were mapped out along the course of the original trails of Peabiru, and taking in sights such as waterfalls, water mines, old buildings, mountains, valleys and rivers. These trails began to attract visitors to Peabiru; initially around ten or twenty visitors on weekends, with the numbers gradually increasing to as many as eight hundred visitors on one particular weekend. Nowadays, the region hosts visitors from the USA, Japan, Spain, Australia, and all over South America. As a result, local bakeries, restaurants, hotel, and gas stations have flourished, generating an increase in local commerce, while fulfilling the initial intentions of generating jobs, income and a sense of belonging and attracting tourists and income to the town. The work is justified by the fact that the Peabiru-PR is classed as a region of poverty, due to land concentration in the hands of a few, social and economic inequality, incipient industry and trade, and stagnant services. Tourism has emerged as a sector with good prospects for the region. Methodologically, this work is characterized as qualitative study, with a literature review of books, magazines and other materials, both printed and electronic, as well as the use of measured data in the application of the Peabiru Way Project in the town of Peabiru-PR. The next step is to train official guides, working voluntarily, with the aim of reducing the number of people, but increasing increase generation and income compared to today's huge flow. Today the Peabiru Way is visited by about one thousand people a month. The Associação Caminhos de Peabiru de Artesenato e Culinária (Peabiru Way Handicrafts and Culinary Association) was created, which is marketing specific products and generating opportunities for street vendors to earn more income. It was noticed that through the work already carried out, even though it still in the initial stages, there have been positive effects on the local economy, bringing more income for the population, restaurants, bakers, and gas stations and creating direct and indirect jobs during the weekly events, particularly the walks along the Peabiru Way in the form of Acquatrekking

    “É ferida que dói e não se sente, [...] é dor que desatina sem doer”: Conhecendo a identidade de zeladoras terceirizadas por meio do vínculo da memória e da classe social

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    Dealing with identities means facing multiple ways of walking a pathway. Each collective, each paradigm, each historical period, carries its own capacity to bring up new perspectives to the theme of identities. Bearing such assumption as standpoint and keeping interest for a collective or occupational identity, we aimed to know identity elements of an outsourced housekeeper group in a Brazilian federal public institution. In order to do so, we used the perspective of memory as an aid in the process of revelation and constituent element of identities, as well as the context of social class to seek the understanding of the reality learned in the field. As methodological procedures, we used a semi-structured interview with the cleaning team supervisor, two focus groups, individual narrative interviews with the eight housekeepers and a brief period of participant observation. The confirmation was that past memories are an essential part of understanding this collective identity and that the group has in common a profession that does not come from a choice based on skills or vocation, but from conditions of social vulnerability. The identity of the group is marked by: dramatic events, however, surrounded by gestures of solidarity; an intense and heavy daily work, marked by the hierarchy of distinctions; and a trajectory that is based on elements such as faith and daily dedication, so that, when playing a role in the system, they need to use conformism as a survival strategy. Tratar de identidades é estar diante de múltiplas formas de se trilhar um caminho. Cada coletividade, cada paradigma, cada tempo histórico, possui em si a capacidade de trazer sempre novos olhares à temática. Partindo desse pressuposto e mantendo o interesse por uma identidade coletiva profissional ou ocupacional, o objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer os elementos identitários de um grupo de zeladoras terceirizadas de uma instituição pública federal brasileira. Para isto, recorreu-se à perspectiva da memória enquanto auxiliar no processo de revelação e elemento constituinte das identidades, bem como ao contexto de classe social para buscar compreender a realidade apreendida em campo. Como procedimentos metodológicos foram utilizados uma entrevista semiestruturada com a supervisora da equipe de limpeza, dois grupos focais, entrevistas narrativas individuais com as oito zeladoras e um breve período de observação participante. A constatação foi que as lembranças passadas constituem parte essencial para a compreensão dessa identidade coletiva e que o grupo possui em comum uma profissão não proveniente de uma escolha baseada em aptidões ou vocação, mas sim de condições de vulnerabilidade social. A identidade do grupo é marcada por acontecimentos dramáticos, porém, cercados por gestos de solidariedade; um trabalho cotidiano intenso e pesado, marcado pela hierarquia das distinções; e uma trajetória que se apoia em elementos como a fé e a dedicação diária, de modo que, ao desempenhar um papel no sistema, precisam lançar mão do conformismo como estratégia de sobrevivência

    "What does a scanner see?": Philip K. Dick's and Richard Linllater's take on identity and identity crisis

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 2012.Abstract : This research presents a comparative analysis between Philip K. Dick s 1977 novel A Scanner Darkly and Richard Linklater s 2006 homonymous film adaptation of it. The focus of this analysis is the theme of postmodern identity, having as a theoretical framework the issues about identity and postmodernism problematized by theorists such a Fredric Jameson and Stuart Hall. This analysis shows how the issue of postmodern identity is ubiquitous both in Dick s novel and in Linklater s film. In order to analyze the issue of adaptation, the ideas of scholars such as Dudley Andrew and Robert Stam, as well as film theorist André Bazin were used. The differences between a novel and a film that narrate the same story are unavoidable. However, what is possible to see in the case of A Scanner Darkly is that the treatment and the emphasis given to the issue of postmodern identity in both works is equivalent. In order to do so, the film takes advantage of the specificities of its medium to represent elements that, due to each medium s nature, cannot be transposed into a film.Esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise comparativa entre o romance de Philip K. Dick A Scanner Darkly (O Homem Duplo  1977) e a adaptação cinematográfica homônima feita por Richard Liklater em 2006. O foco desta análise é o tema da identidade pós-moderna, usando como base teórica as questões sobre identidade e pós-modernidade problematizadas por teóricos como Fredric Jameson e Stuart Hall. A partir desta análise, é possivel observar como o tema da identidade pósmoderna é ubíquo e ambas as obras. Para analisar as questões relacionadas a adaptação, foram utilizadas as ideias de acadêmicos como Dudley Andrew e Robert Stam, assim como do teórico André Bazin. As diferenças entre um romance e um filme que narram a mesma história são inevitáveis. Porém, o que é possível ver no caso de A Scanner Darkly é que o tratamento e a ênfase dados ao tema da identidade pós-moderna em ambas as obras é equivalente. Para tanto, o filme utiliza as especificidades do seu meio para representar possíveis elementos que, por conta da natureza de cada meio, não podem ser transpostos para o cinema

    Iglesia Católica, educación y laicidad en la historia Argentina

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze, in a historical perspective, the relationship between Catholic Church and the field of public education in Argentina, taking laicity as a conceptual axis. We assume that the different configurations of the relationship between Church and State can be defined following the tensions over education governance. We present a periodization, ranging from the colonial period to the beginning of the 21st century, through which we identify lines of continuity, tensions and re-articulations of educational laicity as well as strategies of the Church, the State and civil society actors in different historical moments.O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar, em uma perspectiva histórica, a relação entre a Igreja Católica e o campo da educação pública na Argentina, tendo a laicidade como eixo conceitual. Supomos que as diferentes configurações da relação entre a Igreja e o Estado podem ser definidas seguindo as tensões sobre a governança da educação. Nós apresentamos uma periodização, que vai desde o período colonial até o início do século 21, pela qual identificamos as linhas de continuidade, tensões e re-articulações da laicidade educacional, bem como as estratégias dos atores Igreja, Estado e sociedade civil em diferentes momentos históricos.Le but de cet article est d'analyser, dans une perspective historique, la relation entre l'Eglise catholique et le domaine de l'éducation publique en Argentine, en prenant la laïcité comme un axe conceptuel. Nous supposons que les différentes configurations de la relation entre l'Église et l'État peuvent être définies suivant les tensions sur la gouvernance de l'éducation. Nous présentons une périodisation, allant de la période coloniale au début du 21e siècle, à travers laquelle nous identifions les lignes de continuité, de tensions et de ré-articulations de la laïcité éducative ainsi que les stratégies de l'Église, l'État et la société civile dans les différents moments historiques.Fil: Torres, German Santos Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro de Estudios E Investigaciones Laborales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; Argentin


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    The 17th conference (2016, Delft) of the International Planning History Society (IPHS) and its proceedings place presentations from different continents and on varied topics side by side, providing insight into state-of-the art research in the field of planning history and offering a glimpse of new approaches, themes, papers and books to come. VOLUME 04: Planning and Heritag

    Intercultural Spaces in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Elementary School in Brazil

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    This work is part of my doctoral research in Brazil. I have been investigating the presence of Intercultural Spaces in the English lessons in an Elementary School from the perspective of the teacher. Thus, it is a Case Study in which lesson observations will be compared to the teacher’s discourse about her own practice (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2011). It is a study of a single teacher practice and the students are not participants. The definition of Intercultural Spaces is based on Bhaba’s concept (1994), Kostogriz’s definition (2005) applied to Second Language Acquisition, Kramsch’s idea (2009) in the context of Foreign Language Learning and Widin and Yasukawa’s study (2013) when it comes to teacher’s role of creating such types of Intercultural Spaces in the classroom. Hence, as background to this research, it is believed that students in Early Elementary School, who are between seven and ten years old, should be educated as critical and ethical citizens (Morin, 2005; Menezes de Sousa, 2011; Rocha 2012). Thus, I expect to contribute to Teacher Education with this research in the light of New Learning (Cope & Kalantzis, 2012).Este trabajo es parte de mi investigación de doctorado en Brasil. Estoy analizando la presencia de espacios interculturales en las clases de inglés de un colegio de enseñanza primaria desde la perspectiva de una profesora. Es un estudio de caso en el cual las observaciones de clase se compararán al discurso de la profesora con respecto a su propia práctica (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2011). Asimismo, es un estudio de la práctica de una única profesora y los alumnos no participan en la investigación. La definición de Espacios Interculturales se basa en el concepto de Bhabha (1994), en la definición de Kostogriz (2005) aplicada a la adquisición de segundas lenguas, en la idea de Kramsch (2009) en el contexto de enseñanza de lengua extranjera, y en el estudio de Widin y Yasukawa (2013) en lo que concierne al papel de la profesora de crear tales espacios interculturales en la clase. Como telón de fondo de este trabajo, se cree que los alumnos de enseñanza primaria que tienen entre siete y diez años deberían ser formados como ciudadanos críticos y éticos (Morin, 2005; Mendez de Sousa, 2011; Rocha, 2012). Con este trabajo inspirado en el Nuevo Aprendizaje (Cope & Kalantzis, 2012), espero contribuir a la formación de nuevos profesores

    Coming back home: the reconstruction of the identities of the homecomers

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    AbstractThis article discusses the comings and goings of Brazilian migrants in the early 21st century. Returning is a constituent stage of the migration project. Many men and women, when setting out to America, claimed their intent to come back when completing their migration project, which is usually translated as acquiring enough resources to purchase a house, a vehicle, and to start a business. This article discusses how men and women go through the experience of returning to the homeland to analyze how they reconstruct the path home and which effects of travel appear in the identity configurations, as well as in familial and gender relations. “It’s easier to leave than to come back,” migrants say. Thus we intend to demonstrate that returning is more complex, and that, in several cases, migrants live between two places, forming a transnational identity. Keywords: Transnationalism. Return. Memor

    Dance And Know You Are A Part: The Instrumentality Of Performative Politics And Dance In The Configuration Of Local Social Memory And Afro-Brazilian Identity And Agency In Pelotas, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

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    The arts have been a refuge from perpetual repression and omission, and, a platform for social activism for Afro-descendants in the Americas. In Brazil this is very much the case. With performance serving as a social barometer or a looking glass, dance becomes a source of cultural knowledge, acts as preservative, and negotiates individual mobility within a given context. The Afro-Brazilian dance company, Cia de Dança Daniel Amaro in Pelotas, Brazil grants its members a means of activism and agency to challenge entrenched national narratives and reinterpret local social memory. Most academic writings about dance or performance in Brazil, focus on samba, associated with Carnival, and capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian martial art form. These styles have been typed as models of inherent “Brazilianness.” However, exclusory valuations based in Eurocentric standardization and perpetuated stereotypes concerning Afro members has precluded the Black Brazilian and African inspired works in canonical reviews and discussions of Brazilianness. These divisive practices correspond to the historical complexities of Brazilian socio-metropolitical ordering. This thesis questions the lack of Afro-Brazilian representation in formative Brazilian national identity. Focusing on the intentional political discontinuation of African heritage, this thesis addresses the effects of such by reviewing the experience of Afro-Brazilians over time and, contemporaneously, in Pelotas. This thesis posits dance as a communal (re)interpreter and recognizes performance as a means of to challenge the status quo. This thesis examines Afro-Dance and performance in Pelotas, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. In African diasporic literature, the south of Brazil is a lesser emphasized region due to a higher concentration of Brazilians of European descendant. To be discussed in this thesis are the themes of blackness, historical erasure, and the repercussions of time-old, in most cases, divisive narratives and the effects of these on identity and social memory

    City Tells:

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    City Tells. Guidelines to an Emotional Wayfinding System were developed to provide wayfinding information to visitors walking through historic environments and to ensure that unknown urban places become more welcoming, easier to navigate and more enjoyable for both visitors and tourists

    Digital narratives on entrance exams for the Brazilian secondary school: ego-documents and written culture in history of the present time

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    The proposal of this article is discussing digital narratives written in the first person, taken in their widest sense as ego-documents. We analyzed 12 blogs and 4 personal websites that provide written stories on entrance exams for the Brazilian secondary school (which were in force in Brazil between 1931 and 1971), as well as comments related to each post. The analysis of narratives was conducted having three irreducibly interconnected axes as a basis: the first one is methodological and requires discussing the possibilities and limits of exploring blogs and websites as adequate historical sources to grasp the contemporary phenomena of memory, narrative, and temporalities. The second axis implies analyzing narratives posted on blogs and websites as phenomena that contribute to provide the history of written culture in the present time with intelligibility. The third axis of analysis imposes thinking through meanings of the past and memory in the writings of one’s own. The issues raised herein deal with challenges of the meaning and interpretation of time by subjects of the present. If we take into account that narrating one’s life is a transcultural need related to the sense of existence, we must not give up thinking of changes that take place in human experience and its relation to historicity after hyper-connectivity, which became possible through the web 2.0, has significantly altered the flows of time and space. Keywords: Written culture. Digital narratives. Entrance exam for the Brazilian secondary school